Release: QuTScloud on InfiniCloud by PALTEK

Top / Company / News / Release: QuTScloud on InfiniCloud by PALTEK

InfiniCloud Co. Ltd. (Headquarters: Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture; Representative Director and CEO: Yasushi Taki) has announced "QuTScloud on InfiniCloud by PALTEK," a data backup service for huge amounts of data stored by businesses, in collaboration with PALTEK Corp. and QNAP Inc. This service securely connects customer locations to a virtualized NAS in the cloud over a closed network that does not use the Internet, and it provides safe, fast, and simple backups.

For more information on "QuTScloud on InfiniCloud by PALTEK", please click the link below.

Service Features

  • Fixed monthly plan regardless of data transfer amount
  • Robust domestic data centers selected with high standards
  • Cloud NAS that can be freely expanded in units of 10TB
  • Can connect to cloud NAS in the same IP space as on-premises QNAP NAS (Private Connect function)
  • Adopts WEB UI with the same usability as QNAP NAS (QuTScloud)

A cloud backbone that protects your data

Data has been becoming increasingly crucial in recent years, as has the awareness of disaster recovery (DR). Data storage location, security, and transfer speed are all important factors to consider, especially in sectors with a lot of data.

InfiniCloud Co. Ltd. was founded in 2001 d began providing cloud services for enterprises in 2007. Since January 2014, it has been rolling out the cloud storage service "InfiniCLOUD" for consumers domestically and globally, backing up data for a high volume of users.

Based on InfiniCLOUD's cloud storage technology and many years of corporate cloud experience, we will now begin offering "QuTScloud on InfiniCloud by PALTEK".

This service links to a high-level, robust data center over a closed network to transmit data, making it an ideal choice for developing a business continuity plan (BCP) in the event of an emergency.

Cloud capacity can be increased from 20TB to petabytes, and it can be used by a wide range of customers, from individual business owners with enormous volumes of data to large corporations.

Please see the link below for additional information about "QuTScloud on InfiniCloud by PALTEK".

■ Exhibited at CEDEC2024

This service will be on display by PALTEK, QNAP, and InfiniCloud during the "Computer Entertainment Developers Conference 2024 (CEDEC2024)" that starts on August 21 at Pacifico Yokohama North.

CEDEC2024 is one of the largest conferences for computer entertainment developers in Japan to exchange knowledge and game technology. Each year, about 200 seminars over three days are held to address seven distinct fields—engineering, production, visual arts, business & production, sound, game design, and academic/fundamental technology.

Exhibition NameComputer Entertainment Develops Conference 2024 (CEDEC2024)
Date & TimeAugust 21, 2024 (Wednesday) ~ August 23, 2024 (Friday)
VenuePacifico Yokohama North (1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0012, Japan )
PALTEK's booth is D-9・10
Sponsored byComputer Entertainment Supplier's Association (CESA)
Exhibition URL
(Purchase of ticket is necessary when visiting)

Company Endorsements

Managing Director of QNAP, Jack Yang's Endorsement

"We are pleased to be able to collaborate with InfiniCloud and PALTEK to provide a solution through a secure network. By passing only through NTT's NGN network, data is safely transferred to the data center without going to the Internet. We believe this service is useful as a BCP measure, as data can be transferred to remote locations and backed up. It also meets the needs of game and video production sites specifically sensitive to information leaks, such as pre-release content. We believe this is a service that can meet your needs."

Representative Director, President, & CEO of PALTEK, Mitsuharu Fukuda's Endorsement

"We are exceptionally pleased that by collaborating with InfiniCloud and QNAP, we will be able to further expand the range of proposals we offer to our customers."

Representative Directive & CEO of InfiniCloud, Yasushi Taki's Endorsement

"I am very pleased that this partnership will allow us to provide a new form of data protection. As a former game developer, I understand the troubles those with large volumes of data have to deal with. I fully understand this from my experience as a business owner, and one of our company's management philosophies is to protect data."

About QNAP Corporation

QNAP (Quality Network Appliance Provider) is committed to offering comprehensive solutions for software development, hardware design, and in-house production. QNAP, which is committed to innovation in storage, networking, and smart video, has introduced a game-changing Cloud NAS solution that blends superior subscription-based software with a vast ecosystem of service channels. QNAP sees NAS as more than simply storage and has created a cloud-based network infrastructure that allows customers to host and develop artificial intelligence analytics, edge computing, and data integration on QNAP products. 

For more information about QNAP, visit the following link.

About PALTEK Inc.

Since its founding in 1982, PALTEK has sold domestic and international semiconductor products to Japanese electronics manufacturers, as well as providing contract design services for hardware, software, and other products, and has collaborated with customers on product development, from specification review to prototyping. Based on PALTEK's business philosophy of "coexistence with diverse entities," they will help our clients grow by delivering the best solutions for them. In June 2021, PALTEK joined the Lester Holdings Co., Ltd. group company.

For more information on PALTEK, visit the following link.

About InfiniCloud Co. Ltd.

We have been developing and providing online game distribution and virtual private server services since 2001, long before the term "cloud" was created. With our significant experience and vendor-agnostic flexible designs, we have planned and constructed several enterprise networks and systems, as well as deployed private cloud services for mission-critical applications. We founded InfiniCLOUD ( in 2014 as a domestic high-capacity cloud storage service for individuals. We provide fast speeds that take full advantage of enormous capacity, as well as secure cloud storage.

For more information on InfiniCloud, visit the following link.