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Release: Enterprise Storage

October 2nd, 2023
InfiniCloud Co. Ltd.
Representative Director: Yasushi Taki

The latest version of Enterprise Storage is now available.

From October 2, 2023 (Monday), InfiniCloud Co. Ltd. (Representative Director: Yasushi Taki) will begin offering a 6th generation (Third Edition) of its reliable and fast storage server Enterprise Storage.

Enterprise Storage is a storage service that can be used will all private cloud services offered by InfiniCloud. Because it combines the newest IOPS and high bandwidth NVMe SSD technology with Oracle Solaris ZFS, our Enterprise storage service has high performance. It also possible to separate block and file storage to enable flexible operation.

It can be used from all four InfiniCloud regions in Kanto, Chubu, Kansai, and Kyushu. By combining the replication capabilities of Enterprise Storage in the same location, Backup Storage 6Gt, and different locations, data can be persistent across these locations. This helps create a storage environment that is strong against ransomware and disaster recovery (DR).


Enterprise Storage 6Gt Features

Two available storage types: Block Storage and File Storage

Enterprise Storage features Enterprise Block Type (ESB) and Enterprise Storage File System Type (ESF) functionality.

It is feasible to reduce the required number and capacity for each Subnet within the bounds of what the available resources permit.

Two available plans: Dedicated and Guaranteed (Based on cost and scale)

Choose between two available plans based on the requirements you have and your budget.

  • Dedicated Resource Type: Allows for full storage performance.
  • Guaranteed Resource Type: Allows for required capacity and bandwidth use.
Backup with robust disaster-recovery replication functionality

Replication support is available for the following to reduce downtime in the event of widespread failures or wide-area disasters and to facilitate quick business recovery:

  • Between Enterprise Storage 6Gt in the same region.
  • Between Enterprise Storage 6Gt in different regions.
  • Backup Storage 6Gt
  • Data can be replicated every few hours in ESB and ESF units.
Backup with snapshots. Effective against Malware.

Automatic snapshots are equipped so that snapshots of data in ESB or ESF units are taken at various intervals. These snapshots can also handle data destruction such as ransomware.

Intervals can be set to the user preference.

Examples of set intervals:

  • Once every hour
  • Once every three hours
  • Once a day
  • Once a week
Robustness with double parity

Redundancy at the silicon level is ensured by the Enterprise SSD installed in Enterprise Storage.

Your data is protected by the double parity feature even if two Enterprise SSDs fail simultaneously.

High-speed performance with 2x25Gbps network bandwidth

The NVMe SSD used by the Enterprise SSD is compatible with PCI Express Gen4. Additionally, high bandwidth is added to its low latency.

Each service's connection to Enterprise Storage 6Gt uses 2x25Gbps of network bandwidth to effectively transfer data.


Storage Model

Enterprise Storage 6Gt Dedicated:Dedicated high IOPS, high bandwidth storage
  • Storage: Enterprise NVMe SSD Storage
  • Capacity: 24TB / 36TB / 49TB / 61TB / 73TB / 86TB / 98TB / 110TB
  • Region: Kanto, Chubu, Kansai, Kyushu
  • Price: ~¥438,900 Per Month
Enterprise Storage 6Gt Guaranteed:Available packages for each capacity and band
  • Storage: Enterprise NVMe SSD Storage
  • Capacity: 12TB / 24TB
  • Region: Kanto, Chubu, Kansai, Kyushu
  • Price: ~¥172,700 Per Month

Product Details

Click the following link for more service details.
InfiniCloud Enterprise Storage

【InfiniCloud's Enterprise Storage】

Enterprise Storage from InfiniCloud has long been focused on data security and evolution.

The first generation of our enterprise storage, 1G, was introduced in 2004 and has since undergone six iterations before reaching Enterprise Storage 6Gt today.

Our 3G release included a hybrid SSD and HDD, while 4G advanced to a full SSD. The speed and durability of the most recent 6Gs version were improved, making it a more reliable storage foundation.

Furthermore, we have enhanced our performance under heavy loads by soliciting feedback on the technology of our consumer storage service, "InfiniCLOUD." In order to increase functionality, the WEB UI with InfiniCLOUD has been integrated in 6Gt.

Company Profile

  • Company name: InfiniCloud Co. Ltd.
  • Representative: Yasushi Taki, Representative Director
  • Capital: 80,500,000 Japanese Yen
  • Establish: November 2nd, 2001
  • Address: 〒420-0031 2-1-5 Gofukucho, Aoi-ku, Gofukukan 5F, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka, Japan
  • TEL:050-3801-5987
  • FAX:054-251-1757
  • URL:
  • Business content
    • Cloud infrastructure rental business, hosting business
    • Cloud software production business
  • Construction and maintenance of network and server infrastructure
  • Business related to the aforementioned

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