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Release of our Updated Inter Regional Fabric Service

Starting on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, we will be upgrading our Inter Regional Fabric Service, which links our private cloud over several regions from 6Gs to 6Gt.

We value your cooperation and understanding as we work to further enhance the caliber of the services we offer.

Revision Date

November 1, 2023(Wednesday)


Updated Content

  • Upgrading Inter Regional Fabric Service from 6Gs to 6Gt.
  • We have introduced a new "Shared" type (resource guaranteed type) in addition to the traditional "Dedicated" type (exclusive type).
  • The previous plan had a variable price for each region; this is no longer the case; there is a flat fee.


To view more details about our Inter Regional Fabric 6Gt service, visit the page below.


November 1, 2023
InfiniCloud Co. Ltd.


Private CloudPrivate Cloud